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你真是我的救星 我真的需要好的中文翻譯


It's true. You see I have a lot of problems with my laptop. There are several problems with the operating system and I have not been able to work.

Well, we hope your computer problem can be solved as soon as possible🙏🏻

is this NSFW?

isnt this game from 2015 so are you original creator or just fan

This is an unofficial fan game of the visual novel titled "Teaching Feeling" by Mr. Ray_Kbys. - I only took the creative freedom of reusing characters and backgrounds to write a new story /   More information and statements of authorship are available in the same game.

I'm fixing the Chinese version of the game. Can I submit the TF-A Christmas with you'translation to you later?

HO... I just noticed your comment. Contact my attention email (I await your message)

Thank you very much for your reply, but it is estimated that I will not be able to send you my email until next week at the latest. I have been a bit busy lately, so I almost forgot to fix it

No problem... I can wait!

The game is very beautiful and its story is beautiful. I appreciate your effort. What is your next game?

At the moment I plan to make an update of my visual novel called Psycho Love. As for Teaching feeling DLCs (I plan to make a Hallowee special and a parallel story to the main plot)

I hope you put more good things in it and different endings because it will be more fun



Suena interesante , estare encantado de probar su beta caballero ,tomese su tiempo y siga asi.


x2 🗿👍